This gem takes an other approach to Javascript internationalization than most others do. I use this in production but you might want to look at it as a proof of concept. The goal is to build a lightweight, unobtrusive and powerful translation solution for Frontend applications by using standard libraries.
Right now, you’ll have to manually provide the following depencencies: Rails, jQuery and Mustache.
Add the gem to your Gemfile
gem 'internashunalize-js'
Run the generator
rails g internashunalize:js:install
Don’t forget to include the javascript in your Html.
Mark translations you want to use in your scripts
<% t(:yml_key, :javascript => true) %>
Place the view helper somewhere in your layout / views
<%= javascript_translations %>
Start using the marked translations in your Javascript
For interpolating values, you can pass a Json object as second argument
I18n.t('yml_key_with_variable', { your_variable: 'Variable content' })