Iode RB

An experimental lisp-family language hosted on Ruby.


gem install iode


Firstly, please don't think that this project is a serious attempt to build some shiny new language that runs in Ruby. It is possible it may become that one day, but right now it exists purely for my own experimentation purposes.

I am building a real language on the LLVM (currently in a private git repo), however I wanted a "quick and dirty" environment to hack together ideas for what the syntax and language features may include. Ruby is perfect for that. Once I have good ideas put down as working examples in this project, they will be ported upstream to the native JIT interpreter for LLVM.

Currently this project just implements the guts of a functional language in the lisp-family. It will change considerably from the current implementation.

Command Line

Program source files end in ".io". You can run them like so:

iode-rb path/to/

Or you can send the source code to STDIN:

iode-rb < path/to/

The basic hello world looks like so.

;; this is a comment
(puts "Hello World!")

Some built-in data types (e.g. fractions) are enriched with literals in iode.

(+ 1/2 2/3) ; 7/6

Functions are (currently) defined in terms of lambda.

((lambda (x y) (* x y)) 6 3) ; 18

As you'd expect, functions are first-class objects in Iode.

Of course, functions can be defined recursively too.

;; Recursive function example.
(def loop
 (lambda (n)
   (if (= n 0)
     (quote done)
       (puts n)
       (loop (- n 1))))))

(loop 20)

Similarly, closures can be returned from functions.

(def dec
 (lambda (n)
   (- n 1)))

(def expt
 (lambda (n x)
   (if (= x 0)
      (* n (expt n (dec x))))))

(def make-expt-fn
 (lambda (x)
   (lambda (n) (expt n x))))

(def square
 (make-expt-fn 2))

(def cube
 (make-expt-fn 3))

(puts (square 4))
(puts (cube 4))

Or something that updates some internal state.

(def make-counter
 (lambda (n)
   (lambda () (set! n (inc n)))))

(def counter
 (make-counter 0))

(puts (counter)) ; 1
(puts (counter)) ; 2
(puts (counter)) ; 3
(puts (counter)) ; 4


Yes, iode has macros. In fact, very powerful macros. You can think of macros in the same way you think about lambdas. They are 100% first-class to iode and have values that can be assigned to variables, passed into functions etc. Like lambdas, they also provide a lexical closure over their environment. The difference between a macro and a lambda is that a macro receives unevaluated code as input and produces code as output.

The syntax for returning code is a little cumbersome at this point, since I haven't yet added quasiquoting to provide that magical "templating" that lisps offer. Lots of list and quote for now. Quasiquoting is coming, however.

Since iode doesn't yet have a let form, let's make our own with a macro.

(def cadr
 (lambda (v) (car (cdr v))))

(def let
 (macro (bindings body)
    (quote apply)
    (list (quote lambda)
          (map car bindings)
     (map cadr bindings))))

(let ((x 7)
      (y 8))
  (puts (* x y)))

Note that the body of the macro in this version must be a single s-expression, since variadic arguments are not yet implemented in the language. You may use a progn, however.

(let ((x 7)
      (y 8))
    (puts (str "x = " x))
    (puts (str "y = " y))
    (puts (str "x * y = " (* x y)))))

Macros as values are a powerful feature of iode.

In Ruby Code

Using Iode from inside Ruby code can be interesting, as it will interoperate with Ruby.

require "iode"

result = <<-PROG
(if ((lambda (x) x) false)
  "x = true"
  "x = false")

puts result

This returns the string "x = false" to Ruby. Hopefully you can see what the code does.

Here's another example showing how you can pass values from Ruby into Iode.

require "iode"

prog = <<-PROG
(lambda (x)
  (if x
    (puts 42)
    (puts 7)))
PROG #=> 7  #=> 42

This works because internally, iode lambdas are represented as Procs.

Incidentally, that means you can even pass higher-order functions from Ruby to iode.

require "iode"

prog = <<-PROG
(lambda (f)
  (f 42))
PROG>(x){ x * 2 }) #=> 84>(x){ x + 4 }) #=> 46


Iode (in this Ruby incarnation) is literally a few hours old at the time I write this. Much is still not yet developed. However, you may poke around in the internals and find some interesting this. A string of source code takes this path to being executed as code.

Input -> Reader<data> -> Interpreter<data> -> Core<data> -> Output

The source string is parsed by the Reader into native lisp data (using Ruby data types, like Array and Symbol). The data representation is then given to the Interpreter's eval method, which is a simple recursive algorithm mapping the elements in the data to executable types (e.g. [:lambda, [], 42] becomes a Proc). Variables are held in the Scope class, which is able to chain Scopes together to create lexical closures. Core functions are registered as mixins in the Core module.

If you want to add a native Ruby function to be applied like an iode function, put it in a Module and register it into Iode::Core:

require "iode"

module MyFunctions
  def example(a, b)
    a + b

Iode::Core.register MyFunctions'(example 7 5)') #=> 12

Once I have namespacing done, you'll be able to write actual iode code in separate files and have them loaded under a namespace.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the LICENSE.txt file for full details.