
A gem converts IP address to useful country information which includes ISO, ISO3, ISO-Numeric, fips, Country, Capital, Area(in sq km), Population, Continent, tld, CurrencyCode, CurrencyName, Phone, Postal Code Format, Postal Code Regex, Languages, geonameid, neighbours, EquivalentFipsCode


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'ip_country'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install ip_country


IPCountry.init("path/to/geo_ip.dat") # loads geoip.dat and country data

country = IPCountry.find "" # GB
=> #<struct GeoIP::Country request="", ip="", country_code=77, country_code2="GB", country_code3="GBR", country_name="United Kingdom", continent_code="EU">

IPCountry.info c.country_code2
=> {:iso=>"GB", :iso3=>"GBR", :isonumeric=>"826", :fips=>"UK", :country=>"United Kingdom", :capital=>"London", :areain_sq_km=>"244820", :population=>"62348447", :continent=>"EU", :tld=>".uk", :currencycode=>"GBP", :currencyname=>"Pound", :phone=>"44", :postal_code_format=>"@# \#@@|@## \#@@|@@# \#@@|@@## \#@@|@\#@ \#@@|@@\#@ \#@@|GIR0AA", :postal_code_regex=>"^(([A-Z]\\d{2}[A-Z]{2})|([A-Z]\\d{3}[A-Z]{2})|([A-Z]{2}\\d{2}[A-Z]{2})|([A-Z]{2}\\d{3}[A-Z]{2})|([A-Z]\\d[A-Z]\\d[A-Z]{2})|([A-Z]{2}\\d[A-Z]\\d[A-Z]{2})|(GIR0AA))$", :languages=>"en-GB,cy-GB,gd", :geonameid=>"2635167", :neighbours=>"IE", :equivalentfipscode=>nil}


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request