To use ipasend from Xcode, edit your scheme and add a post-archive script like the following:

``` #!bash

CMDFILE=$TARGET_TEMP_DIR/archive.command mkdir -p $TARGET_TEMP_DIR echo “ipasend -b -u '$ARCHIVE_PATH'" > $CMDFILE chmod +x $CMDFILE open $CMDFILE ```

Also ensure you are exporting environment variables from your target and that you set your shell to bash.

Supported options

  • archive_path Path to the Xcode archive
  • display_name Display name on the download page, IPA name used if nil
  • aws_key AWS key
  • aws_secret AWS secret
  • aws_bucket AWS bucket
  • prefix Path prefix on S3
  • aws_endpoint AWS enpoint
  • image_path Path to an image file to use on the download page