
irbtools is a meta gem which installs some useful irb gems and configures your irb.

irbtools-more adds some more irb gems which may not build out-of-the-box. Currently included: better auto completion and an object inspector.


gem install irbtools-more
gem install irb_rocket --source
  • On Linux, you also need the xclip program (apt-get install xclip).

  • On MacOS, you need growl, if you want to use the g gem.

  • You need tk for DrX (maybe try tk_as_gem)


To use it, put the following in your ~/.irbrc file (this file is loaded everytime you start an irb):

require 'rubygems' # only needed in 1.8
require 'irbtools-more'

If it does not exist, just create a new one.

It’s possible to modify, which libraries get loaded:

require 'irbtools/configure'
Irbtools.add_package :more # adds this extension package
# here you can edit which libraries get loaded. See the irbtools README for details.

You could also just use the base irbtools and add the additional gems yourself.


Included gems and libraries

For the libraries included in +irbtools+, see its README page or
  • DrX A tk object inspector, defines Object#see

  • bond Better auto completion

Extension packages

Feel free to build your own extension package gem (see this gem’s source) and upload it to

Copyright © 2010 Jan Lelis, See LICENSE for details.
