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 ||  ||)) // ' __  // \\_  || ||// _  ||       ====
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IRC-Qik-Bot                                  version 0.0.1 beta
IRC ~ Automated Babbling Bot

How To Install:
  $ gem install irc-qik-bot --no-ri --no-rdoc

How To Use:

  ## configure defaults for irc-qik-bot
  WIP $ irc-qik-bot config
  ## directly starts at default channel
  $ irc-qik-bot chat
  ## would join the provided server at default provided channel in config
  $ irc-qik-bot irc.freenode.net
  ## would join provided server, channel  with default nick
  $ irc-qik-bot irc.freenode.net, ruby
  ## would join with all provided config
  $ irc-qik-bot irc.freenode.net, ruby, qbot

  ## configs can also be provided as ENV variables
  $ IRC="irc.freenode.com" CHANNEL="#ruby" NICK="qbot" irc-qik-bot
  usage currently require the 'bot nick' to be used;
  will also pin it to conventional !command

Current Features:
  [+] basic IRC Network, Channel Connector
  [+] Help             ~ 'qbot: help'
  [+] Babbler          ~ 'qbot: babble'
  [+] Quote            ~ 'qbot: quote'
  [+] URL Un-Shortener ~ 'qbot: unshort http://SHORT_URL'
  [+] google           ~ 'qbot: google search term'
  [+] YAML Config Support
Future Roadmap:
  [+] whois
  [+] nslookup
  [+] ycombinator
  [+] twitter
  [+] reddit
  [+] slashdot
  [+] stackoverflow
  [+] github