
IsotopeContacts is a gem providing a rails engine for contact management.

It is compatible with Rails 3.1+

Demo site

See it in action here.


Here are some screenshots of what it looks like:

Contact Listing

Contact Show


You can install it by adding the following to your Gemfile:

gem 'isotope_contacts', :git => ''

Then in your config/routes.rb:

mount IsotopeContacts::Engine => "/isotope_contacts"

Then just fire up your app and visit /isotope_contacts

Developing on IsotopeContacts

IsotopeContacts is implemented as a Rails engine and its tests are run in the context of a dummy Rails app. The process for getting the tests to run is similar to setting up a regular rails app:

bundle exec rake -f test/dummy/Rakefile db:drop db:create db:migrate db:test:prepare

Once this setup has been done, IsotopeContacts's specs can be run by executing this command:

bundle exec rake test