iwyg backend

a user centered backend for the iwyg social exchange system.

feature-list (not complete yet):

  • tracking of failures of each user

  • management of notifications (by time-intervals, rates)

  • translation-backend (of notifications, statictelabels, toolips,…)

  • cms-integration (refinerycms, locomotive,…)


Run rake iwyg_be:install:migrations to copy the migration files to your iwyg application.

in your config/routes.rb write this mount IwygBe::Engine => "/be" to mount the backend to the main application.

Then run bundle exec rake db:migrate to generate the tables.


Start the server with rails s

and the backend can be found at localhost:3000/be


feel free to join and use your skills. also if you find anything that’s broken, missing or can be done better, let me know or just do a pull request.

this project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.