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these are some helper classes to provide translation text via the fast_gettext gem from a database usng datamapper. (it will not work with activerecord !!). beside the locale there is also a text domain which can be used to overlay the default text domain. for example you have a rideshare board for several locations but want to have slightly different text/translation here or there, then you canuse the default text domain for the common text and overwrite some passages in the respective text domain for a location.

setup the datamapper resources

require 'dm-migrations'
require 'dm-validations'
require 'dm-timestamps'
require 'dm-sqlite-adapter' # use any other adapter you need
require 'ixtlan/gettext/models'


that prolog is the minimal datamapper setup and might be already in place in your project.

the model

  • Ixtlan::Gettext::Locale(code:String)
  • Ixtlan::UserManagement::Domain(name:String)
  • Ixtlan::Gettext::TranslationKey(name:String)
  • Ixtlan::Gettext::Translation(text:String, translation_key:Ixtlan::Gettext::TranslationKey, locale:Ixtlan::Gettext::Locale, domain:Ixtlan::UserManagement::Domain)


require 'ixtlan/gettext/manager'
include FastGettext::Translation

gettext = Ixtlan::Gettext::Manager.new
gettext.use( 'en' )

puts _("phrase to translate")

after the data in datbase changed you might need to clear the cache



within rails if you have an instance of the manager via the config (keeping a single instance per application):


or (assuming your rails is named 'rideboards')


using a rails app with ixtlan-translations

see http://github.com/mkristian/ixtlan-translations


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


enjoy :)