
The initial purpose of this plugin is to remove some of the duplicity I had acquired when multiple models were being “tracked.” Whether it be a package shipped via FedEx or a book loaned from a library. This plugin simply separates this trackability.


Generate the migration for holding all of the tracks.

script/generate track_migration
rake db:migrate

Generate a migration for something trackable. I don’t know how bad this is needed, but I put a “tracking_number” in all things trackable.

 script/generate trackable_migration Transfer
 script/generate trackable_migration Book
 script/generate trackable_migration Package
 rake db:migrate

config.gem 'jakewendt-simply_trackable',
  :source => ''

script/generate simply_trackable

To Do

  • Add tests to ensure that it does what it should

  • More tests

Testing (as an app)

rake db:migrate
rake db:fixtures:load
rake test

Gemified with Jeweler

vi Rakefile
rake version:write

rake version:bump:patch
rake version:bump:minor
rake version:bump:major

rake gemspec

rake install
rake release

Copyright © 2010 [George Wendt], released under the MIT license