Javascript Secure Hash for RubyonRails

The Javascript Secure Hash functions collection is ready to require and use in your Rails project app.

This Rails plugin is an easy way to use the most common secure hash algorithms on your Javascript/CoffeScript files whenever are required. The following digest algorithms are available:

Install me!

To install this gem

$ gem install javascript-securehash-rails

Or bundle me!

Add this line to your Gemfile

gem "javascript-securehash-rails"


Just add the digest algorithm and use the digest functions on your Javascript/CoffeeScript files.

Require it

Add this line to your app/assets/javascripts/application.js file

//= require securehash

Or if your want only to attach an specific digest algorithm do as

//= require securehash/md4
//= require securehash/md5
//= require securehash/ripemd160
//= require securehash/sha1
//= require securehash/sha256
//= require securehash/sha512

The available functions by it's algorithms are:

  • calcMD4("AMessage") (for MD4)
  • hex_md5("AMessage") (for MD5)
  • hex_rmd160("AMessage") (for RIPEMD-160)
  • hex_sha1("AMessage") (for SHA-1)
  • hex_sha256("AMessage") (for SHA2 256 bits)
  • hex_sha512("AMessage") (for SHA2 512 bits)


Digesting these strings

alert("message digest -> " + hex_md5("message digest"));
aler("160-bit hash ->" + hex_sha1("160-bit hash"));

Will pop-up the following messages:

message digest -> f96b697d7cb7938d525a2f31aaf161d0

160-bit hash -> 90d925d853c3d35cd54070bb75280fefad9de9e7

Thanks to

The author of these JS algorithms, Paul Johnston. More about his work at


This project uses MIT-LICENSE.