
Upload and Download files from S3.

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Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'jaxx'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install jaxx



  jaxx-upload -h
  jaxx [options]
    -b, --bucket [BUCKET]
    -k, --access-key [ACCESS_KEY]
    -f, --file [FILE]
    -p, --privacy [PRIVACY]
    -r, --retries [retries]
    -h, --help


  jaxx-download -h
  jaxx [options]
    -b, --bucket [BUCKET]
    -k, --access-key [ACCESS_KEY]
    -f, --file [FILE]
    -p, --privacy [PRIVACY]
    -r, --retries [retries]
    -h, --help

About Me

  jaxx-aboutme -h
  jaxx-aboutme [options]
    -d, --display
    -h, --help


Upload file from local machine

  jaxx-upload -b test-bucket -f vapour.txt -k MY_KEY -s MY_SECRET

Upload directory from local machine

  jaxx-upload -b test-bucket -f dir/ -k MY_KEY -s MY_SECRET

Download file to local machine

  jaxx-download -b test-bucket -f vapour.txt -k MY_KEY -s MY_SECRET

Upload file to S3 from AWS Instance

  jaxx-upload -b test-bucket -f vapour.txt

Download file from S3 to current folder from AWS Instance

  jaxx-download -b test-bucket -f vapour.txt

Upload file from local machine, and make it publicly available

  jaxx-upload -b test-bucket -f vapour.txt -k MY_KEY -s MY_SECRET -p public

Upload directory from local machine, and make it publicly available

  jaxx-upload -b test-bucket -f dir/ -k MY_KEY -s MY_SECRET -p public

Download file from S3 to current folder from AWS Instance, and retry 5 times on failure

  jaxx-download -b test-bucket -f vapour.txt -r 5

Get information on the instance you are currently on

  jaxx-aboutme -d


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request