Class: JazzModel::ChordTone

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Represents one non-octval tone in a chord. Chord tones are not ordered and arrays of chord tones should be compared using to_set.


  • tone - A tone index from 0-11 representing the relative position of the tone within the chromatic scale.

  • letter_index - A 0-6 value representing the relative letter position, which helps to disambiguate theoretic values such as Eb and D#. See Key.

  • strength - A strength metric representing the tonal strength of the tone within the context of the chord. Lower numbers are stronger. Zero always represents the root of the chord and any guide tones should be defined as one.

  • omitable - Specifies whether the tone can commonly be ommitted in jazz voicings for this chord. For example, the root and the fifth are often not necessary.

Key Context

+key+ is delgated to chord to access the chord's key context.

Method Summary

Methods inherited from Base
