JobQueue - Let run your jobs in parallel
This package contains jobQueue:
* A simple class to parallalize your work on a user definend number of threads
* A ruby script, which uses the above class to run each line of a shell script
jobQueue can do the following things:
Run blocks, Procs and Lambdas
Run instance and class methods
Run shell commands
Respect user definded locks
I started a python2 implementation of this, which can be installed via pip ( When its maature enough, I will use the ruby version numbers for it.
Gem Installation
Download and install jobQueue with the following.
gem install jobQueue
JobQueue requires Ruby only, but versions 1.9.x are needed to make use of system threads.
Parallelize Ruby’s blocks, procs, lambdas and things
Create a JobQueue with nThreads worker with:
jq =
Use its push method to put in something to do
For blocks:
jq.push do myObject.method0(...) myObject.method1(...) myObject.method3(...) end
For procs and lambdas:
For object methods:
Same code can be used for class methods:
To start the workers, call
That’s it. You might have look at tests, that come with the jobQueue gem.
Parallelize system commands
Use a separate class for this and push string to it:
jq =
jq.push('find ./src -name "*.rb"','find ./downloads -name "*.rb"')
will start 2 parallel searches for ruby files. This is implemented in the prun.rb script, which comes with the jobQueue gem. To run each line of a shell script on 10 threads, use:
prun.rb -j 10
The ‘-j’ switch is optional. Default is the maximum number of cores. The script accepts multiple files and processes one after another. Try ‘-h’ for documentation.
Support, Issues, Bugs, …
please use personal mail, ruby-lang mailing list or github
1.0.11: prun.rb now ignores empty lines
1.0.10: more flexible logging control (new switches ‘-l’ and ‘-b’)
1.0.9: print out stdout and stderr from the jobs given to prun.rb, use ‘-D’ to avoid printing
1.0.8: support AIX for getting the maximum number of processors, improve processor count for jruby and rbx
- Robert Klemme
For the first hints:
jobQueue use the BSD License
:include LICENSE
Other stuff
- Author
Ralf Mueller <[email protected]>
- Requires
Ruby 1.9 or later
- License
Copyright 2011-2013 by Ralf Mueller Released under BSD-style license. See the LICENSE file included in the distribution.