John Mayer

It's a Foursquare API wrapper, designed to "just work", just like all of John Mayer's hooks and sweet guitar licks. It uses objects instead of hashes, and tries to be smart about when to load things.


Get a foursquare:

foursquare ="ACCESS_TOKEN")


Find a user:

user = foursquare.users.find("USER_ID")

Now we've got a Foursquare::User object. You can call sweet methods like and even user.last_checkin. In general, John Mayer's Foursquare object methods are just snake-cased versions of the attributes returned in the JSON. Now let's accidentally that user's friends:


This will return an array of Foursquare::User objects. Don't worry about the fact that they're populated by limited JSON. John Mayer will fetch the extra JSON if you need it. For example:

friend = user.friends.first # Will not trigger a network call, since we already have it
friend.twitter # Will trigger a network to load the user's contact information


But wait, Foursquare isn't just users! It's checkins too! So let's find some checkins:


Now we have an array of Foursquare::Checkin objects. We can also grab a specific checkin:

checkin = foursquare.checkins.find("CHECKIN_ID")


We can get at a checkin's venue by calling checkin.venue. Pretty easy, RIGHT? Right. If you want to find a venue directly, here ya go:


You can also search venues: => "40.7236307,-73.9999479") # Returns all resulting groups
foursquare.venues.nearby(:ll => "40.7236307,-73.9999479") # Returns only nearby venues
foursquare.venues.trending(:ll => "40.7236307,-73.9999479") # Returns only trending venues
foursquare.venues.favorites(:ll => "40.7236307,-73.9999479") # Returns only favorite venues

The :ll option is required for venue searches. You can also feel free to pass any of the other available Foursquare API options, as specified in the docs.


If you want to see what's going on up in there, you can set Foursquare.verbose to true

Foursquare.verbose = true

Right now it'll log to STDOUT. Maybe I'll add nicer logging later. If you're lucky. In the meantime, if you want to use your own logger, and you're kind of a jerk like me, you can do something like this:

Foursquare.verbose = true
def Foursquare.log(message)"[foursquare] #{message}") # HAX, SORRY BRANDON


  • Creating checkins works, but it should really return notifications. Also, if the checkin can't be created, it should return errors.
  • I don't know, so much other stuff.