jQuery REST

Add shortcuts to make PUT and DELETE AJAX requests:

$.put('/posts/1', { title: 'New' }, function(message) {
    alert('Saved. ' + message)

$.del('/posts/1', function(message) {
    alert('Deleted. ' + message)

Because some browsers and firewalls have problems with PUT and DELETE requests, shortcuts create POST request with X-HTTP-Method-Override header with correct method name.

All Rack frameworks (Ruby on Rails, Sinatra) support this override. For plain Rack app you need to use Rack::MethodOverride middleware.

Shorcuts have same arguments as $.post (url, data, callback, dataType), so you can set response type on last argument.

They just shortcuts under $.ajax, so they return $.Deferred object:

    success(function() { alert('Deleted') }).
    error(function() { alert('Error') })


Rails 3.1

In Rails 3.1 (or another project with Sprockets 2) just add jquery-rest to Gemfile:

gem 'jquery-rest'

and add require to app/assets/javascripts/application.js.coffee:

#= require "jquery.rest"


If you use Jammit or another package manager just copy lib/jquery.rest.js to public/javascripts/lib in your project and add library to config/assets.yml:

    - public/javascripts/lib/jquery.rest.js


If you didn’t use Rails 3.1 or assets packaging manager you can use already minimized version of library at lib/jquery.rest.min.js.


To run project tests and minimize source you must have Ruby and Bundler. For example, on Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install ruby rubygems
sudo gem install bundler

Next you need install Jasmine, UglifyJS and other dependencies by Bundler. Run in project root:

bundle install --path=.bundle

That’s all. To run tests start server and open http://localhost:8888/:

bundle exec rake server

Before commit minimize project source:

bundle exec rake min