
Json Proxy is a small server/dsl intending for serving JSON documents, and in particular JSON documents created from external webservices. JsonProxy supports

  • Caching - with either CouchDb or a simple Filesystem based cache

  • Asynchronous Operation - Json Proxy supports asynchronous data loading via a HTTP polling mechanism


  • Couchdb (For caching, alternative FileCache exists)

  • Starling (For queue)

  • Rack (For server)


The JsonProxy DSL is used for creating new services

np_namespace "echo" do |ns|
  ns.route 'echo', [:message] do |message|
    {:message => message}

Each route should return an object with a #to_json method.


All queries are cached, the cache can be controlled by setting the cache_expiry and cache_key options.

JSON Envelope

The response is always a JSON object, this object is an envelope around the data.

The data can be accessed through the data property of the response, the other properties of the response are used for meta-information such as the response code and response message.

  => {status : 200, statusMessage : "Ok", data : {message : "blah" } }


If the request has an argument ‘jsonp’ the server will prefix the response with the argument value, allowing the response to be used to trigger callbacks.

  => callback({status : 200, statusMessage : "Ok", data : {message : "blah" } })

Asynchronous Operation

JSON Proxy supports asynchronous operation by returning immediately if the data is not in the cache.

The server returns a 202 status code in this scenario. The operation is then performed in the background, while the client polls the server. Once the operation has completed the data will be available in the cache and will be sent to the client on the next request.

Loop while status is 202
    => {status : 202, statusMessage : "Processing. Please retry shortly" }
  => {status : 200, statusMessage : "Ok", data : {message : "blah" } }

Background processing is performed by using a shared queue (implemented using starling). When a cache miss occurs the server adds the current url to a queue including an extra force parameter. The QueueDaemon gets urls from the queue and fetches them. The force parameter ensures that the operation is processed synchronously.