JSound: a Ruby wrapper for the Java sound API

This library requires JRuby and currently only supports the MIDI API

Project Info

Home: http://github.com/adamjmurray/jsound

Author: Adam Murray ([email protected])

License: Distributed under a permissive BSD-style license, see LICENSE.txt

Getting started

  1. Install JRuby 1.5 or 1.6, either:

    • via manual installation
    • or via rvm (adjust version number as desired):

       rvm install jruby-1.6.2
       rvm use jruby-1.6.2
  2. Install JSound

     jgem install jsound
  3. Try the examples (monitor.rb prints any input it receives, try playing a MIDI keyboard):

     jruby examples/list_devices.rb
     jruby examples/monitor.rb
  4. Take a look at the comments in examples/notes.rb for info on:

    • routing MIDI inputs to MIDI outputs
    • generating MIDI events and sending them to an output


Gem: http://rubydoc.info/gems/jsound/0.0.1/frames

Latest for source: http://rubydoc.info/github/adamjmurray/jsound/master/frames



By enabling the IAC (inter-application communication) driver, you can easily interface with any MIDI-enabled application:

  1. Run to /Applications/Utilities/Audio MIDI Setup

  2. In the menu, select: Window → Show MIDI Window

  3. Double click IAC Driver

  4. Check the box where it says "Device is online"

Now JSound should be able to locate an "IAC Driver" input and output device.

You can also add additional MIDI ports here, to work with multiple applications simultaneously.

Development Notes

Run Tests

 rake spec

and to quickly check compatibility with multiple JRuby versions via rvm:

 rvm jruby-1.5.6,jruby-1.6.2 rake spec:fast

Generate Docs

 open doc/frames.html

Project Roadmap
