Kameleon [chameleon]
Kameleon is a high abstraction dsl for better writing acceptance and integration tests using Capybara. And "better" means: more easily to mimic how user interact with browser.
note on Capybara versions
for 1.x capybara please use kameleon in version below 1.0
gem 'kameleon', '< 1.0'
for 2.x capybara please use kameleon in version higher or equeal 1.0
gem 'kameleon', '>= 1.0.0'
Kameleon requires:
- rspec
- capybara
Optionally is nice to use:
- selenium-wedriver && capybara-webkit for testing together with javascript
- thin (if you want run your specs faster - add gem 'thin' to Gemfile in your app)
gem 'kameleon', '>= 0.2.0'
Before you start using Kameleon ensure that capybara is properly loaded (in your test helper file)
require 'kameleon/ext/rspec/all'
or just components you want; kemeleon/ext/rspec/all
by default loads:
require 'kameleon/ext/rspec/dsl'
require 'kameleon/ext/rspec/garbage_collector'
require 'kameleon/ext/rspec/headless'
checkout this slides from wrocloverb 2012
Example One [listing products > should list existing products with correct sorting ]
click "Products"
within('table.index') do
see :ordered => [ "apache baseball cap",
"zomg shirt" ]
click "admin_products_listing_name_title"
within('table.index') do
see :ordered => [ "zomg shirt",
"apache baseball cap"]
vs capybara
click_link "Products"
within('table.index tr:nth-child(2)') { page.should have_content("apache baseball cap") }
within('table.index tr:nth-child(3)') { page.should have_content("zomg shirt") }
click_link "admin_products_listing_name_title"
within('table.index tr:nth-child(2)') { page.should have_content("zomg shirt") }
within('table.index tr:nth-child(3)') { page.should have_content("apache baseball cap") }
taken from: https://github.com/spree/spree/blob/master/core/spec/requests/admin/products/products_spec.rb#L22
Example Two [should allow an admin to create a new product and variants from a prototype]
click "Products",
fill_in "Baseball Cap" => "product_name",
"B100" => "product_sku",
"100" => "product_price",
"2012/01/24" => "product_available_on",
:select => { "Size" => "Prototype" },
:check => "Large"
click "Create"
see "successfully created!"
vs capybara
click_link "Products"
click_link "admin_new_product"
fill_in "product_name", :with => "Baseball Cap"
fill_in "product_sku", :with => "B100"
fill_in "product_price", :with => "100"
fill_in "product_available_on", :with => "2012/01/24"
select "Size", :from => "Prototype"
check "Large"
page.should have_content("successfully created!")
taken from: https://github.com/spree/spree/blob/master/core/spec/requests/admin/products/products_spec.rb#L77
Example Three [admin editing an adjustment > successfully > should update the adjustment]
within(:row => 2).click "Edit"
fill_in 99 => "adjustment_amount",
"rebate 99" => "adjustment_label"
click "Continue"
see "successfully updated!",
"rebate 99",
vs capybara
within(:css, 'table.index tr:nth-child(2)') { click_link "Edit" }
fill_in "adjustment_amount", :with => "99"
fill_in "adjustment_label", :with => "rebate 99"
page.should have_content("successfully updated!")
page.should have_content("rebate 99")
page.should have_content("$99.00")
taken from: https://github.com/spree/spree/blob/master/core/spec/requests/admin/orders/adjustments_spec.rb#L48
Example Four [payment method > should be able to list, edit, and create payment methods for an order]
click "Orders"
within('table#listing_orders', :row => 1).click_link "R100"
click "Payments"
within('#payment_status').see "Payment: balance due"
within(:cell => [2, 2]).see "$39.98"
within(:cell => [2, 3]).see "Credit Card"
within(:cell => [2, 4]).see "pending"
vs capybara
visit spree.admin_path
click_link "Orders"
within('table#listing_orders tbody tr:nth-child(1)') { click_link "R100" }
click_link "Payments"
within('#payment_status') { page.should have_content("Payment: balance due") }
find('table.index tbody tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(2)').text.should == "$39.98"
find('table.index tbody tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(3)').text.should == "Credit Card"
find('table.index tbody tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(4)').text.should == "pending"
part II
click "Void"
within('#payment_status').see "Payment: balance due"
see "Payment Updated"
within(:cell => [2,2]).see "$39.98"
within(:cell => [2,3]).see "Credit Card"
within(:cell => [2,4]).see "void"
vs capybara
within('#payment_status') { page.should have_content("Payment: balance due") }
page.should have_content("Payment Updated")
find('table.index tbody tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(2)').text.should == "$39.98"
find('table.index tbody tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(3)').text.should == "Credit Card"
find('table.index tbody tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(4)').text.should == "void"
part III
click "New Payment"
see "New Payment"
click "Continue",
within('#payment_status').see "Payment: paid"
see :element => '#new_payment_section'
click "Shipments",
"New Shipment"
within('table.index', :row => 2).check "#inventory_unit"
click "Create"
see "successfully created!"
vs capybara
click_on "New Payment"
page.should have_content("New Payment")
within('#payment_status') { page.should have_content("Payment: paid") }
page.should_not have_css('#new_payment_section')
click_link "Shipments"
click_on "New Shipment"
within('table.index tbody tr:nth-child(2)') { check "#inventory_unit" }
page.should have_content("successfully created!")
taken from: https://github.com/spree/spree/blob/master/core/spec/requests/admin/orders/payments_spec.rb#L32
Tips & Tricks
- You have access to page variable. So if you think that something cannot be accomplished by the Kameleon DSL, you can just write using RSpec matchers and page variable. Like this:
page.should have_css("li.banner_message", :count => 10)
. Of course, after you've submitted feature request to the owner of the original repository ;) - It is handy to define a common set of areas, that user often follows navigating on the site. Here is an example
Kameleon::Session.defined_areas.merge!({ :menu => [:xpath, "//nav/ul"],
:main => '.main_body',
:right_column => '.col_aside',
:ordered_list => '.ordered_list',
:favourites => '.favourites_list',
:gallery_tiny => '.gallery_tiny',
:gallery_list => '.gallery_list',
:content => '.col_content',
:col_aside => '.col_aside' })