Keep Calm and Carry On


Ever written a long running process before? Ever had it raise and exception and die? Ever wrapped your main loop in a begin..rescue so you can just Keep Calm and Carry On? Ever found it really annoying that logging the damn thing is so difficult?

Kcaco helps by providing some helper functions around dealing with exceptions. Specifically with regards to logging the bastard so you can deal with it. Example:

require "kcaco"
  raise"Goodbye, cruel world")
rescue => e
  puts Kcaco.pretty(e)

This will print out a line like so: a84aedf9-8cda-13dd-123f-c8572078ea90 RuntimeError: Goodbye, cruel world [(irb) L3]. In case it's not obvious, the output contains a GUID, the class of the error and the filename and linenumber it occured on. In a single line ideal for logging. Additionally, we serialize the exception to disk (hence the GUID - the filename we save it too) so you can look at it later.


require "kcaco"
# in a rescue block, instead of the manual work:
logger.error Kcaco.pretty(exception)

This will print out a message to your logs in the format: GUID ExceptionClass: the message [filename.rb L123]. Additionally, it will write out the exception object to Kcaco.save_path in a file named the same as that GUID. You can disable the save behavior with Kcaco.auto_save = false.


$ bundle exec examples/simple.rb
900308c3-16ac-2803-ac97-db64464baae8 MichaelBay::Boom: ba da bloom [simple.rb L10]

cat /tmp/kcaco/exceptions/900308c3-16ac-2803-ac97-db64464baae8 
time: 2012-01-06T16:01:53+02:00
type: MichaelBay::Boom
message: ba da bloom
examples/simple.rb:10:in `explosions'

--- !ruby/exception:MichaelBay::Boom 
message: ba da bloom


Long running processes (daemons) tend to err on the side of logging exceptions and carrying on. This is peachy, but there are some things you definitely want to do. Without a catch-all begin..rescue, your application might do this:

irb> raise"death")
RuntimeError: death
        from (irb):1

That's pretty useful. Right?

In a daemon, its natural to want just as much information. Except you will want to use a logger - especially at the appropriate level. You may write something like this to get similar output in your logs:

  # ...
rescue => e
  logger.error "#{}: #{e.message}"

But now you don't know where the error came from (backtrace line #1) or actually anything else from the backtrace. You can extend the code with something like:

e.backtrace.each do |line| logger.error(line); end

But now you've done something horrible: if you grep ERROR in your log file, the number of lines returned is no longer the number of errors in your log. There are a bunch of ways around this:

Log the entire backtrace on 1 line, This gives you ugly logs especially with long backtraces. For example:

$ bundle exec examples/no_kcaco_one_line.rb
E, [2012-01-06T16:26:27.705513 #647] ERROR -- : MichaelBay::Boom: ba da bloom ["examples/no_kcaco_one_line.rb:10:in `explosions'", "examples/no_kcaco_one_line.rb:17"]

Log the backtrace at a different level, e.g. DEBUG. This means you have to run with verbose logging:

$ bundle exec examples/no_kcaco_different_levels.rb
E, [2012-01-06T16:28:33.903684 #736] ERROR -- : MichaelBay::Boom: ba da bloom
D, [2012-01-06T16:28:33.903784 #736] DEBUG -- : examples/no_kcaco_different_levels.rb:10:in `explosions'
D, [2012-01-06T16:28:33.903814 #736] DEBUG -- : examples/no_kcaco_different_levels.rb:17

Or you can roll your own smarts. Repeatedly. Or just use some like Kcaco. Quite simply what it does is:

  • Save you having to format the log message by doing it for you.
  • Write more detail to a separate file where you can inspect it later.

.. and you get

bundle exec examples/simple.rb
E, [2012-01-06T16:29:50.730922 #793] ERROR -- : ae58d80f-4bc3-899a-fd0b-2c831833510c MichaelBay::Boom: ba da bloom [simple.rb L11]

In this example, you could see the saved exception ae58d80f-4bc3-899a-fd0b-2c831833510c on disk to get the full backtrace.