
Kickoff provides everything you need to start a Rails application.

A tookit that provides an HTML5/CSS3 framework and a collection useful Rails generator scripts for scaffolding, layout files and authentication. Inspired by Bootstrap and Nifty Generators and repurposed for web apps by Aristo.


Add to your Gemfile and run the bundle command to install it.

 gem "kickoff", :group => :development

Then you can run any of the included generators.

rails g kickoff:scaffold Post title:string index new

Requires Ruby 1.9.2 or later.


  • nifty:layout: generates generic layout, stylesheet, and helper files.
  • nifty:scaffold: generates a controller and optional model/migration.
  • nifty:authentication: generates user model with sign up and log in.

To view the README for each generator, run it with the +help+ option.

  rails g kickoff:layout --help


Questions or problems? Please post them on the issue tracker. You can contribute changes by forking the project and submitting a pull request. You can ensure the tests passing by running bundle and rake.

This gem is created with all the love in the world by @lokimeyburg and is under the MIT License.