kiva – wrapper to the kiva rest API

This is a wrapper to the Kiva Web API. You can find more information about the API here.


The following is an example of retrieving the last 20 loans on Kiva. This is about as difficult as things get:

require 'kiva'

newest = Kiva::Loan.load_newest
newest.each{ |loan|
  puts "#{} loaned $#{loan.funded_amount} for

#loanloan.activity in #"country"“


Running the above script yields something similar to the following:

$ ruby -rubygems examples/newest.rb 

Angela Okosun loaned $225 for Cement in Nigeria
Vitaliy Konovalenko loaned $1650 for Retail in Ukraine


Thi Thoa Do's Group loaned $300 for Food Production/Sales in Viet Nam
Thi Hoa Nguyen loaned $900 for General Store in Viet Nam


Kiva doesn’t require an account or an API key in order to use their API, so there are no prerequisites to using it. This library does depend on SimpleHTTP and json to handle the web api. These should be installed automatically if you used gem to install the library, else, you’ll need to install them manually.

Basic Usage

This library consists of number of classes modelling the data objects which the web api returns. Each class is similar, consisting of class methods used to call webapi functions and attributes which provide access to the (unpacked) json data the webapi returns.

These classes are (in no particular order) :

  • Kiva::Loan

  • Kiva::Lender

  • Kiva::LendingAction

  • Kiva::Partner

  • Kiva::JournalEntry

  • Kiva::Comment

  • Kiva::Release

Each of these classes has attributes containing the data returned from the web api. For example, a Comment has the attributes:

  • author

  • body

  • date

  • id

  • whereabouts

Each class has one or more class methods, corresponding to web api calls, which may be used to create and load instances of the class. For example, Loan has the following list of class methods:


You should be able to ‘gem install kiva`. Alternatively, download a distribution at rubyforge:

Finally you can grab the sources from the rubyforge or github repositories:

git clone git://


Mailing List

In case you discover bugs, spelling errors, offer suggestions for improvements or would like to help out with the project, you can contact me directly ([email protected]).