KLADR converter allows to convert KLADR.DBF and STREET.DBF to SQLite database as-is or as a linked items (every street hash city ID)

How to use First, you must to import library

require ‘kladr_converter’

Then use!

Kladr_sqlite::save_linked( ‘path/to/KLADR.DBF’, ‘path/to/STREET.DBF’, ‘path/to/sqlite.db’, true ) Kladr_sqlite::save_raw( ‘path/to/KLADR.DBF’, ‘path/to/STREET.DBF’, ‘path/to/sqlite.db’, false )

First parameter is a path to KLADR.DBF Second parameter is a path to STREET.DBF Third parameter is a path to database file Forth parameter is a boolean variable that determines progressbar displaying