Knife Stash

A knife plugin for Atlassian Stash.

Gem Version   Code Climate


  • gem install knife-rhn (if using omnibus install, /opt/chef/embedded/bin/gem install knife-rhn)
  • or... copy lib/chef/knife/* files to ~/.chef/plugins/knife
  • or... copy lib/chef/knife/* files to path/to/cheforg/.chef/plugins/knife


Plugin will prompt for any missing passwords.

Common parameters

  • --noop - Perform no modifying operations
  • --stash-username USERNAME - Stash username, defaults to ENV['USER']
  • --stash-password PASSWORD - Stash password, defaults to nothing but will ask if necessary
  • --stash-hostname HOSTNAME - Stash hostname, no default

knife stash project create KEY NAME

Creates a Stash project.

  • --description DESCRIPTION - optionally set a description for the project

For example:

$ knife stash project create TEST "Test Project from API"
Created Stash Project: TEST (Test Project from API)

knife stash project delete KEY

Deletes a Stash project.

  • --delete-repos - required if any repositories exist under project

For example:

$ knife stash project delete TEST --delete-repos
Deleted Stash Repository: TEST/repo1
Deleted Stash Repository: TEST/repo2
Deleted Stash Project: TEST

knife stash project repos KEY

Lists all Stash repositories in a project.

$ knife stash project repos COOKBOOKS
cessna (cessna)
netbackup (netbackup)
remoteaddr (remoteaddr)
template-cookbook (template-cookbook)

knife stash projects

Lists all Stash projects.

$ knife stash projects
CHEF_BASEBOX: Chef Basebox
COOKBOOKS: Chef Cookbooks
CHEFORG_CORE_SYSTEMS: Chef Organization core-systems
CHEFORG_FNCE: Chef Organization FNCE

knife stash repo create KEY REPO

Creates a Stash repository in a project.

$ knife stash repo create TEST repo1
Created Stash Repository: TEST/repo1
Available via (HTTPS): https://[email protected]/scm/TEST/repo1.git
Available via (SSH): ssh://[email protected]:7999/TEST/repo1.git

knife stash repo delete KEY REPO

Deletes a Stash repository in a project.

$ knife stash repo delete TEST repo1
Deleted Stash Repository: TEST/repo1

knife stash repos

Lists all Stash repositories in all projects.

$ knife stash repos


Please use standard Github issues and pull requests.

License and Author

Author:: Brian Flad ([email protected])

Copyright:: 2013

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.