Introduction =

knife-voxel is a plugin for the tool ‘knife’, part of the configuration management system ‘chef’. It allows you to provision Voxel dot Net ( cloud instances (physical as well as virtual) and then bootstrap them as chef clients.

This plugin is currently a work in progress, although all major functions should work as expected. The command set models Voxel’s API hAPI ( . We depend on the voxel-hapi library for access to this API. This will be replaced with a fog provider based backend in the future.

Authentication =

Authentication can be handled in a few different ways. For each command you can pass –voxel-api-key and –voxel-api-secret with your corresponding hAPI key/secret pair. Or if you prefer, you can utilize your username and password via the –voxel-api-username and –voxel-api-password parameters. Both of these parameter sets can be specified in a knife.rb file, saving you the trouble of entering them each time at the command line. We suggest using a stored authkey/secret pair rather than a username and password when placing these options in knife.rb. The syntax is:

knife = ‘01234567890’ knife = ‘09876543210’

Usage =

** VOXEL COMMANDS ** knife voxel voxcloud delete DEVICE_ID (options) knife voxel voxservers inventory list (options) knife voxel images list (options) knife voxel voxcloud create (options) knife voxel devices list (options) knife voxel voxservers delete DEVICE_ID (options) knife voxel voxservers create (options) knife voxel voxcloud facilities list knife voxel voxservers facilities list

Examples =

> knife voxel voxcloud delete 12345

> knife voxel voxcloud create –image-id 55 –hostname \

--processing-cores 4 --disk-size 20 --facility LGA8

Author =

    1. Brinkerhoff <[email protected]>