Knossos CLI

A command line companion to the knossos Ruby gem for generating mazes.


Install globally with:

~$ gem install knossoscli


The Knossos CLI actually comprises a suite of commands similar to familiar tools like git and bundler. You can see a summary of the available sub-commands by invoking:

~$ knossos help

More detailed documentation for each sub-command is available with, for example:

~$ knossos help carve

Generate a maze in your terminal:

~$ knossos carve --rows=5 --columns=7 --algorithm=RecursiveBacktracker


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub. Knossos provides a safe, welcoming space for collaboration. Everyone contributing to our project—including the codebase, issue trackers, chat, email, social media and the like—is expected to uphold our Code of Conduct.

Setting Up

Fork the project on GitHub and make a local clone. Install dependencies, and run the tests:

~/knossoscli$ bin/setup
~/knossoscli$ bundle exec rake rspec

Running the Code

Run the command itself with:

~/knossoscli$ bundle exec exe/knossos

Or, you can experiment directly with the code interactively using:

~/knossoscli$ bin/console


To release a new version of the library, first increment the version number in lib/knossoscli/version.rb following Semantic Versioning policy, and update Commit your work, and finally, run:

# Create a git tag, push commits and tags, and publish to
~/knossoscli$ bundle exec rake release


This gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

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