Konto API Ruby Library

This library provides an easy way to access the Konto API (https://www.kontoapi.de/), a webservice that performs validity checks and other services regarding german bank accounts.


$ [sudo] gem install kontoapi-ruby


require 'kontoapi-ruby'

# mendatory settings
KontoAPI::api_key = "abc123"

# optional settings
KontoAPI::timeout = 10   # 10 seconds is the default

# Check account validity: KontoAPI::valid?(account_number, bank_code)
KontoAPI::valid?('1234567', '12312312')
#=> false
KontoAPI::valid?('49379110', '10010010')
#=> true

# Get the name of a bank by its code: KontoAPI::bank_name(bank_code)
#=> 'Postbank'

Copyright (c) 2011 General Scripting - Jan Schwenzien. See LICENSE for details.