
Ruby interface for the Kount fraud detection service


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'kount'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install kount



Set up your credentials that you configured within the Kount administrative interface. If you have a login for Kount, the folks at Kount should also have supplied you with a guide for generating your API and Risk Inquiry service certificates. The ultimate result is a certificate and key file in .pem format. There should be one of these each for the API and Risk Inquiry services, and for the test and production environments for a total of 8 files.

Suggested set up for a Rails app (place in an initializer):

# Set custom variables within gem

if Rails.env == 'production'
  # API certificate
  Kount.api_cert = 'config/keys/awc.kount.net.cert.pem'
  Kount.api_cert_key = 'config/keys/awc.kount.net.key.pem'

  # Risk Inquiry System Certificate
  Kount.ris_cert = 'config/keys/ris.kount.net.cert.pem'
  Kount.ris_cert_key = 'config/keys/ris.kount.net.key.pem'

  Kount.mode = :production
  # API certificate
  Kount.api_cert = 'config/keys/awc.test.kount.net.cert.pem'
  Kount.api_cert_key = 'config/keys/awc.test.kount.net.key.pem'

  # Risk Inquiry System Certificate
  Kount.ris_cert = 'config/keys/ris.test.kount.net.cert.pem'
  Kount.ris_cert_key = 'config/keys/ris.test.kount.net.key.pem'

  Kount.mode = :test

Also set up your merchant ID (this should also have been supplied to you by Kount):

Kount.merchant_id = '123456'

Making calls

In the following example, I am updating the status of an order to Declined through an API call to the Orders status endpoint. The basic usage is to first create a payload hash:

payload = {
  ['status[',kount_transaction_id,']'].join => 'D',
  ['note[',kount_transaction_id,']'].join => text

Then instantiate a Kount::Request object and call "transmit" on it. Arguments:

1: The symbol :api to indicate it is an API call, as opposed to the Risk Inquiry service which would be :risk 2: The endpoint to call 3: 'get' or 'post' 4: The payload hash constructed in the previous step

ou = Kount::Request.new

Risk Inquiry Service

Since the Risk Inquiry service has a very specific set of inputs, the Kount::RiskInquiry class is a layer of abstraction which accepts all of the input fields described in the Kount docs as accessor methods.

Instantiate the object:

ri = Kount::RiskInquiry.new

Set all the necessary fields to make a successful call:

ri.mode = 'Q'  # Standard mode for initial post
ri.mack = 'Y'

ri.ipad = created_by_ip_address
ri.uniq = buyer.id
ri.name = buyer.name
# et cetera

Array fields accept arrays. You can set the array directly or iterate over another array you have prepared:

ri.prod_type = prods.map(&:name)

# or

ri.prod_type = []
prods.each { |prod|
  ri.prod_type << prod.name

Custom fields that you have configured within Kount can be passed as a hash:

ri.custom_fields = {
  :customfield1  => 'value1',
  :customfield2  => 'value2'

Transmit the inquiry, which will return a Kount::Response object:



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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request