.=title: README
.?lastupdate: $Date: 2005-06-17 13:21:00 +0900 (Fri, 17 Jun 2005) $
.?release: $Release: 1.0.0 $
.?copyright: copyright(c) 2005 kuwata-lab.com all rights reserved

.$ What is Kwaff?

Kwaff is a simplified and structured data format.
See examples directory for detail.

Name of 'Kwaff' is derived from "kwa's friendly formatter".

.$ Installation

There are three ways to install Kwaff.

.: If you have installed RubyGems:
$ su
# gem install --remote kwaff

.: If you can be root user:
$ ruby setup.rb config
$ ruby setup.rb setup
$ su
# ruby setup.rb install

.: If you cannot be root user:
### copy command file to appropriate directory.
$ cp bin/kwaff $HOME/bin/
### copy library files to appropriate directory.
$ mkdir -p $HOME/lib/ruby
$ cp -r lib/kwaff* $HOME/lib/ruby
### set environment variable RUBYLIB
$ export RUBYLIB=$HOME/lib/ruby

.$ Usage

You can convert Kwaff document into XML document.
$ kwaff example.kwaff > example.xml

You can also convert XML document into Kwaff document.
$ kwaff -r example.xml > example.kwaff

Type `kwaff -h' for detail.

.$ Manifest

.% README.txt
This file.

GPL file.

.% CangeLog.txt
Change log file.

.% setup.rb
Setup file for installation.

.% bin/kwaff
Command file.

.% lib/kwaff.rb, lib/kwaff/*.rb
Library file.

.% examples/*
Examples of Kwaff.
.% doc/users-guide.html
Users' Guide.
.% test/test.rb, test/ex*.*
Unit test script and test data.

.$ License

GPL (GNU General Public License) ver 2.

.$ Author

Makoto Kuwata <kwa(at)kuwata-lab.com>