
Lawkeeper - Simple authorization policies for Rack apps

Lawkeeper was heavily inspired by the Pundit authorization gem. Lawkeeper follows a very similar pattern, but is more agnostic and geared towards use in smaller Rack applications.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'lawkeeper'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install lawkeeper


Lawkeeper makes a couple basic assumptions

  • You have a current_user helper
  • You create policy files like PostPolicy for a Post model
  • You have a headers method with a settable hash for response headers

After setting up your model policies, include Lawkeeper::Helpers into your app. Let's assume Sinatra as our example:

helpers do
  include Lawkeeper::Helpers

This provides a few useful helpers:

  • can? - for checking if the current_user is permitted an action on the record
  • authorize - checks if the user can perform the action, otherwise raise Lawkeeper::NotAuthorized
  • skip_authorization - used to flag an action as not needing authorization

Declaring policy classes

By default, Lawkeeper follows a convention of mapping policy classes like PostPolicy for a Post class, CommentPolicy for Comment, etc.

The simplest way to declare a post policy is inherit Lawkeeper::Policy and declare predicates for policy checks:

class PostPolicy < Lawkeeper::Policy
  def read?

  def update?

Lawkeeper makes no assumptions about the name of your policy queries. You can call them show? or read?, delete? or destroy?, whichever you prefer. The only requirement is that they end with '?'.

Policy classes are instantiated with the current user and a record for checking.

If you wish to use an unconventially named Policy class for a model, add the .policy_class class method to your model. For example:

class Post
  def self.policy_class

Lawkeeper helper methods will prefer the policy_class specified if it exists.

Specifying Scope classes for policy use

For finding records for collection records (like an index) it is possible to do scoped find if your relational or document mapper permits it. This is accomplished by creating a Scope class inside your policy class. Take this example for Ohm:

class PostPolicy < AppPolicy
  class Scope < Lawkeeper::Policy::Scope
    def resolve
      scope.find(published: "true")

You can proceed to use this in an action to find posts where published is the string "true":

@posts = policy_scope(Post)

The policy scope lookup is handled by a scope finder stored at Lawkeeper.scope_finder. Currently Ohm and ActiveRecord adapters are provided. The finder only has one requirement, it must respond to call. You can use a class method or Proc to facilitate this. It should return a capitalized string representing the class, such as "Post" or "Comment".

If you wish to use policy_scope you should configure a finder appropriate for your storage:

Lawkeeper.scope_finder = Lawkeeper::ScopeFinders::Ohm
# or
Lawkeeper.scope_finder = { |s| ... }

Authorizing in actions

To authorize in a controller action is simple:

get "/post/:id" do
  @post = Post.find(id)
  authorize @post, :read
  erb :post_show

If authorize is permitted (which it usually should be) the action will continue as normal. If it fails, Lawkeeper::NotAuthorized will be raised.

Checking in views

Lawkeeper provides a can? helper to use in your views:

<% if can? :edit, @post %>
  <a href="/posts/<%= %>/edit">Edit Post</a>
<% end %>

The can? method is a check, it will not raise authorization exceptions.

Specifying policy classes

If you wish to specify a policy class at runtime for a call to can? or authorize, you can pass a policy class as an option third argument.

authorize @post, :read, OwnershipPolicy

Ensuring authorization with middlewares

Lawkeeper provides EnsureWare for checking that authorization was performed for all actions. When the authorize or skip_authorization methods are employed in actions, response headers are set. The middleware then checks and deletes the headers. If the header was not present, a 403 forbidden status will be returned.

This is useful to ensure you do not forget to authorize the resource in any given action.

If you do not wish to enforce such a check, you should employ the ScrubWare middleware instead. This is simply responsible for stripping Lawkeeper headers before sending the response on its way.

If you'd prefer to not use middleware at all, it's advised you set Lawkeeper to simply skip the setting of headers:

Lawkeeper.skip_set_headers = true

This will not prevent how Lawkeeper does its primary job of authorizing policy actions.


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request