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Bored of writing the same html boilerplate every time you make a new app?

How about something like this?

# $ gem install laydown


require 'laydown'

layout = Laydown.new(
  charset:      'utf-8' # default
  title:        'A man in a #{@where}',
  description:  'Very interesting',
  favicon:      'pill.png',
  keywords:     'man, #{@keywords}',

  css:          ['site.css', :@css],
  js:           ['app.js', :@js],
  inline_js:    ['alert("#{@msg}");'],

  head:         '<meta soundtrack="Piazzolla">',
  body:         '#{yield}', # default
  body_class:   'dark',
  ga_code:      'ga-some-number'

# ----------------------------

@where    = 'cave'
@keywords = 'cave, interesting'
@css      = 'somesheet.css'

layout.render(self, :msg => 'hello') { '<p>body text</p>' }
# => your html5 layout


  • Fast
  • Small footprint
  • Built on Temple and Tilt

Copyright (c) 2011 Jostein Berre Eliassen. See LICENCE for details. (MIT licence)