Lazy Mail

lazy_mail is a lazy and quick way to use the function mail and offers configurations to write less code.


This Gem works only for Rails 3

Add this to your Gemfile and run the bundle command.

gem 'lazy_mail'


1. Basics

Your mailer before was:

class UserMailer < ActionMailer::Base
  default :from => '[email protected]'

  def confirmation(user)
    @user = user
    mail(:to =>, :subject => 'confirm')

With lazy_mail you just write less code. lazy_mail set user as an instance variable @user by default.

class UserMailer < ActionMailer::Base
  def confirmation(user)
    lazy_mail user

And you email view doesn’t change:

Hello <%= @user.username %>

You can still use the options of mail:

lazy_mail user, { :to => '[email protected]', :subject => 'my subject' }

You can pass many arguments as you like:

def confirmation(user, post, author)
  lazy_mail user, post, author

and just use in your mail view @user, @post, @autor.

2. Configurations

Mailer Views

The views are now located in a different folder: app/views/notifications/mailer_name/current_locale/ For example your locale is english the path will be:


You can set the path you want in your initializer with:

LazyMail.mailer_templates_path = 'notification'

If you set it to nil it will take the default rails path

Option :to

The mail option :to is set by default, but you have to configure it in your initializer:

Lazy.user_model = User

Just put the name of the model you want to use to set the :to.

By default it will call the method email, if you have another name change it in your initializer.

LazyMail.email_field = :email

I18n subject

The subject is a scope: [:mailer, :mailer_name, :action_name], you can change it:

LazyMail.i18n_scope = [:mailer, :class_name, :action_name]
=> 'mailer.user_mailer.confirmation.subject'

If you prefer to use the rails default just set it to nil

Option :from

Set the option :from in the initializer

LazyMail.default_no_reply = '[email protected]'


For the development phase, you can set an option :to by default to overwrite

LazyMail.development_mail = '[email protected]'

If you use Git:

LazyMail.development_mail = :git

lazy_mail will take your git git config

You can find the initializer file here