lctl is short for launchctl. This is just something I hacked together to avoid having to type long paths when restarting postgresql and similar, which I installed using Homebrew.
James Conroy-Finn
gem install lctl
You can search for plists in ~/Libary/LaunchAgents and ~/Library/LaunchDaemons
using lctl list [NAME]
. With no name all plists will be output. With a name
only files that contain the name will be output.
The same search mechanism is used when loading and unloading plists. If more than one match is found the list of matches will be output and a warning printed.
lctl help [TASK] # Describe available tasks or one specific task
lctl list [NAME] # Find any agents or daemons matching optional NAME
lctl load NAME # Load a launchd process in ~/Library/Launch[Agents|Daemons]
lctl unload NAME # Unload a launchd process in ~/Library/Launch[Agents|Daemons]
lctl version # Prints Lctl's version information