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A very robust light-weight paginator based on leaf which is based on will_paginate.

Design principles

  • Does not fiddle with Array, ActiveRecord, or anything else. It is self-contained.
  • Compatible with both will_paginate and kaminari API.
  • Never raise an exception! Negative pages will simple become positive, out of bounds simple means to the last page, etc...


  • Convert an Array into a Collection
  • Create a partial Collection from any data subset (something like this)
  • Export as JSON for transferring the collection over an API


gem install leaflet


# Converting an Array into a paginatable Collection
complete_collection = my_array
complete_collection.paginate(page: 5, per_page: 3)    # <-- Returns an Array with the paginated subset of the original Array

# Creating a custom Collection
my_array_subset = [:d, :e, :f]  # E.g. fetched from Redis according to page and per_page
collection = my_array_subset, total: 26, page:2, per_page: 3


Leaflet is based on leaf (by Peter Hellberg) which is based on will_paginate by PJ Hyett, who later handed over development to Mislav Marohnić.