Vagrant dns plugin

A Vagrant 1.1.x plugin to manage DNS records on Mac systems. It is heavily based on (which doesn't seem to support Vagrant 1.1.x currently), so credit goes to the author of that lib.

Currently, it doesn't support running multiple vagrant machines. All vagrant-dns related files are located in ~/.vagrant.d/tmp/dns. This may be something that needs to be addressed later on.


  • Default this plugin disabled, and enable by config.dns.enable = true
  • Add config validation
  • Add specs
  • Add DNS resolver uninstall command
  • Add Vagrant destroy action hook to clean dns tmp path
  • Move resolvers create and installation to command


It is only used as a plugin for Vagrant, so to install:

$ vagrant plugin install lh-vagrant-dns


Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|

  # Configure DNS tlds
  config.dns.tld = "dev"
  # or config.dns.tlds = ["dev", "stag"]

  # This will be used to construct dns patterns, unless if
  # config.dns.patterns option is explicity defined. Otherwise, given tld
  # to be 'dev', we would get DNS pattern /^.*$/
  config.vm.hostname = "machine"

  # Optional configuration
  config.dns.patterns = [/^.*$/, /^.*$/] :private_network, ip: ""

After vagrant up, install DNS resolver on mac:

$ sudo vagrant dns --install

Now, vagrant halt stops a DNS server, while vagrant up or vagrant provision starts a DNS server.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request