Lingo24 Ruby Library for the Lingo24 Translation API

We love languages at Lingo24. Every day we work hard to translate documents, websites, tools and products, helping people all over the world communicate with one another.

Translating your content can be challenging, but we aim to make it very simple through easy to use tools, friendly people, and great technology.

In terms of translation, Lingo24 offers a range of professional human-translation and premium machine translation services, all of which can accessed via our translation APIs.

This is a Ruby interface to make using our APIs simpler.

At present the client library only provides support for our Premium Machine Translation API. Support will soon be added for our professional human-translation API.

Installation & Requirements

Installing the Lingo24 gem is trivial, simply run the following from your command line:

$ gem install lingo24


We have bundled a range of tests using rspec which you can read to understand how to use our API.

To run these tests you need to configure the user_key within the specification file so you can call against the live API.

Questions, Comments, Complaints, Compliments?

If you have questions or comments and would like to reach us directly, please feel free to do so at the following outlets. We love hearing from developers!

If you come across any issues with the library, please file them on the project’s Bitbucket issue tracker.

Accessing Our Premium Machine Translation API

To get started with the API you first have to authenticate. You do this by using the authentication information you received when you signed up on the Lingo24 Developer Portal.

require ‘lingo24’

lingo24 ='your_user_key')

If you do not have an user_key please go to our plans page to sign up for one of our access plans. This includes our free Premium Machine Translation Taster plan, with free access to translate 100,000 between English, French and Spanish.

Once you have done this you are free to use the methods exposed via the API wrapper to translate text, fetch source languages and fetch target languages.

As the library is fully rdoc compliant, you can browse the documentation to understand more about the methods available. You can also view the methods available on the online Lingo24 API documentation.