Linqr - Query Comprehensions for Ruby
Linq ( )like sytax for ruby.
Linq in C# is a great example of bringing a uniform query model to different sources of Data. Different providers can be hooked into the model so developers can still use the familiar sytax to query the data source instead of learning a whole new api.
Querying enumerable
Quering an array
numbers = [ 5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0 ] output = _{ from x in_ numbers where (x == 3 || x == 5 || x == 8) && ( x % 2) == 0 select x * 3 } output.should == [24]
Quering a hash
hash = {:a => 1 , :b => 2 , :c => 3} output = _{ from k,v in_ hash where v == 3 select k } output.should == [:c]
Grouping(select can select into anonymous types)
numbers = [ 5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0 ] number_groups = _{ from n in_ numbers where n > 3 && n < 100 group_by n % 5 => :g select :remainder => g.key , :values => g.values } number_groups.collect(&:remainder).should == [0, 4, 1, 3, 2]
words = [ "cherry", "apple", "blueberry" ] sorted_words = _{ from word in_ words order_by word.length select word } sorted_words.should == ["apple", "cherry", "blueberry"]
Selecting into anonymous types
products = ["shoes", 1.75),"glasses", 55.55),"pencil", 5.20)] cheap_product_names = _{ from p in_ products where p.price < 10 select :name => "Cheap - #{}" , :new_price => p.price + 10 } cheap_product_names.collect(&:name).should == ["Cheap - shoes","Cheap - pencil"] cheap_product_names.collect(&:new_price).should == [11.75, 15.20]
Querying ActiveRecord Models
All the examples listed for enumerable should work with activerecord models too
grouped_by_name = _{
from o
in_ Order
group_by => :g
select :name => g.key , :orders => g.values
Querying Groupon Api
output = _{·
from deal
in_ GrouponDeals
where == 38.8339 && deal.lng == -104.821·
select deal