LivingValidator gem

gem install living-validator

This gem is designed to integrate with the service. It will work with the public instance or a private instance. The source for the validator is available here: BitBucket Repo.

The functionality here is pretty basic. You may query the validator, receive a response, and go through the messages it gives you. There are convenience methods for getting only the error messages, getting the total number of error messages, or getting the total number of messages.


endpoint: defaults to, but can be overridden to use a private instance. e.g. localhost:8888

lax_type: defaults to false, but can be overridden to allow lax content type checking


Public Instance

require 'rubygems' # Only for Ruby 1.8
require 'living-validator'
result = LivingValidator::Validator.check ''
puts "There were #{result.errorCount} errors found!"
if result.errorCount > 0
    puts "Tisk Tisk, Github"

Private Instance

require 'rubygems' # Only for Ruby 1.8
require 'living-validator'
result = LivingValidator::Validator.check '', {:endpoint => 'localhost:8888'}
puts "There were #{result.errorCount} errors found!"
if result.errorCount > 0
    puts "Tisk Tisk, Github"

Lax Content-Type Checking

require 'rubygems' # Only for Ruby 1.8
require 'living-validator'
result = LivingValidator::Validator.check '', {:lax_type => true}
puts "There were #{result.errorCount} errors found!"
if result.errorCount > 0
    puts "Tisk Tisk, Github"

License / Copyright

Copyright (c) 2012 DynamiX Web Design, LLC (

Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported. More info in the LICENSE file.