
A tiny Ruby program used to periodically execute a command.


Usage: loop [options] <cmd>


  -i, --interval=val   Interval in seconds default to 0.5
  -v, --version        Display the version number
  -h, --help           Show this help message


$ (sudo) gem install loop


This project is very a port of watch(2) implemented by VisionMedia.

Milliseconds resolution

We support millisecond resolution i.e.:

$ watch -i 0.3 echo hey


Here a simple script that compile stylus and coffee in public folder:

Create a folder in your sinatra/padrino app:

mkdir -p app/assets/js
mkdir -p app/assets/css

In js put your coffee script files and under css stylus stylesheets.

Be sure to install both:

npm -g install stylus coffee-script

In the root of your project create a Makefile with this content:

COFFEE=$(shell find app/assets/js -name '*.coffee' -type f)
JS=$(patsubst app/assets/js/%.coffee, public/javascripts/%.js, $(COFFEE))
STYLUS=$(shell find app/assets/css -name '*.styl' -type f)

all: $(JS) public/stylesheets/app.css

public/javascripts/%.js: app/assets/js/%.coffee
    coffee -b -o public/javascripts -c $<

public/stylesheets/app.css: $(STYLUS)
    stylus -o public/stylesheets -c $<

Create some *.styl files and *.coffee files under app/assets

Test it:


Now run loop:

loop make

More details are available here: https://github.com/visionmedia/watch/blob/master/Readme.md