
Gem Version doc license

LucaDeal is Sales contract management application.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'lucadeal'
gem 'mail'       # If you don't use mail functionality, you can remove this line.

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install lucadeal


You can create project skelton with new sub command.

$ luca-deal new Dir

Example assumes setup with bundler shim. bundle exec prefix may be needed in most cases.

Manage Contract

Customer object can be created by customer create subcommand with name.

$ luca-deal customer create CustomerName
Successfully generated Customer  5976652cc2d9c0ebf4a8646f7a28aa8d6bd2d606
Edit customer detail.

Customer is filed under data/customers as YAML. Detail need to be editted.
Then, Contract object is created by contract create sub command with customer id.

$ luca-deal contract create 5976652cc2d9c0ebf4a8646f7a28aa8d6bd2d606
uccessfully generated Contract  814c6fc9fffe5566fe8e7ef683b439b355d612dc
Conditions are tentative. Edit contract detail.

Contract is filed under data/contracts as YAML. Detail need to be editted.

Issue invoice

Monthly invoices are generated with invoice create --monthly sub command. Target month is optional. Without month, this month including today is the target.

$ luca-deal invoice create --monthly [yyyy m]

Or, any invoice can be created with contract ID. Contract ID is just unique fragment of uuid, listed with luca-deal invoice create with no args.

$ luca-deal invoice create 1d3 yyyy m

Invoice conditions are defined by contracts.

Send Invoice

Invoice is implemented with HTML & ERB. Copy default template to templates/ in the data directory, and customize.
If you want to send invoices in PDF, you need to install wkhtmltopdf command separately. Send mail command is:

$ luca-deal invoice mail yyyy m

Sales Fee

You can also manage revenue share program with Fee object. Setup proper contract structure.

Data Structure

Records are stored in YAML format. On historical records, see LucaRecord.


Customer consists of label information.

Top level Second level historical Description
id auto uuid
name must x customer's name
address x
address2 x
contacts Array of contact information
mail mail address receiving invoice


Product is items template referred by Contract.

Top level Second level historical Description
id auto uuid
name x Product name.
items Array of items.
name x Item name.
price x Item price.
qty optional x quantity. Default: 1.
type optional If 'initial', this item is treated as initial cost, applied only on the first month of the contract.


Contract is core object for calculation. Common fields are as follows:

Top level Second level historical Description
id auto uuid
customer_id must x customer's uuid
effective must Start date of the contract.
defunct End date of the contract.

Fields for subscription customers are:

Top level Second level historical Description
billing_cycle optional If 'monthly', invoices are generated on each month. If 'other_payments', no_invoices are generated on each month. no_invoices are mostly same as invoices, but not sending email.
category optional Default: 'subscription'
products Array of products.
id reference for Product
items Array of items.
name x Item name.
price x Item price.
qty optional x quantity. Default: 1.
type optional If 'initial', this item is treated as initial cost, applied only on the first month of the contract.
sales_fee optional
id contract id of fee with sales partner.

Fields for sales fee:

Top level Second level historical Description
category If 'sales_fee', contract is treated as selling commission.
limit If set, fees are calculated as mas as limit months.
deduction_label Label for deduction. Used on export
rate optional
default sales fee rate.
initial sales fee rate for items of type=initial.
deduction deduction rate(if any) multiplied by fee


Invoice is basically auto generated from Customer and Contract objects.

Top level Second level Description
id uuid
id customer's uuid
name customer name
to Array of mail addresses
items Array of items.
name Item name.
price Item price.
qty quantity. Default: 1.
product_id refrence for Product
id data source id for duplication check
date payment date
amount payment amount
subtotal Array of subtotal by tax category.
items amount of items
tax amount of tax
rate applied tax category. Default: 'default'
id contract id of fee with sales partner.
status Array of status with timestamp.


Fee is basically auto generated from Contract and Invoice objects.

Top level Second level Description
id uuid
id contract id with sales partner.
default.fee Amount of fee on dafault rate. Amount of tax for default.fee.
initial.fee Amount of fee on initial cost. Amount of tax for initial.fee.
invoice Carbon copy of Invoice attributes.
customer Carbon copy of Invoice customer except 'to'.
items Carbon copy of Invoice items.
subtotal Carbon copy of Invoice subtotal.
status Array of status with timestamp.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at .