
With Lyrics-Ebook you can build ebooks (in epub format) containing song lyrics.

LyricsEbook works by collecting songs information, parsing folders containing mp3 files; then, it automatically download any lyrics not found in cache (previously downloaded).

Lyric download is based on Wiki-Lyrics (Amarok lyrics script, included into the gem, so not required to be installed).

Currently, you can only build a ebook using all cached lyrics.

Currently, only Artist–>Lyrics ebook structure is implemented; in next releases, also Artist–>Album–>Lyrics ebook structure will be available.


* parse directory containing mp3 files
* read mp3 tag info
* automatically download song lyrics from the web
* build the epub output file


lyrics-ebook [command] [param]

  parse_dir [dir_name] : parse a mp3 folder, then download missing song lyrics
  build [epub_name]    : build ebook from downloaded lyrics data


gem install lyrics-ebook


  • ruby 1.8.7


GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 2, June 1991 ( see LICENSE for details)