Asset Packager

Summary: Allow application to bundle up (and compress) asset files and include the compressed file in the view. This will make the application more efficient, because the browser won’t need to make multiple request for each single asset files. The packaging/compression will only be performed in production mode, or when configatron.mack.asset_packager.disable_bundle_merge is not set.

Usage: First you will need to define asset group/bundle that you want to package up by doing the following:

  1. Create an assets.rb file in config/initializers folder

  2. In that file do the following:

    assets_mgr.my_bundle_1 do |a|
        a.add_js "foo.js"
        a.add_js "jquery"
        a.add_css "scaffold"

    So the above code will create a new bundle called my_bundle_1, and in that group, you’ll add 2 javascript files and 1 css file.

  3. Once you have that defined, next step would be in your layout file (or whereever you refer to the asset file):

    <%= stylesheet 'my_bundle_1 %>
    <%= javascript 'my_bundle_1 %>
  4. That’s it. When run in development mode, the javascript tag will be evaluated into 4 <script> tags, and the stylesheet scriptlet will get evaluated into 1 <stylesheet> tag. In production (assuming disable_bundle_merge configuration is not set), then each scriptlet tag will get evaluated into 1 tag (each will refer to the packaged and compressed asset file)