
MagicScopes is the scopes generator for ActiveRecord.

It adds magic_scopes method (and nothing else) to ActiveRecord::Base.

It depends on ActiveRecord and ActiveSupport and can be used without Rails. MagicScopes module should be included manually in the latter case.

It also has support for the StateMachine gem and can generate scopes for states.

MagicScopes can generate these scopes:

  • with and without options will generate scopes such as with_rating, without_rating that will look for non null and null values, respectively. For state attributes thee redefine corresponding state_machine scopes so they can be called without parameters to check against null and non null. (You can use it in the normal way too, of course). These scopes can be used with boolean, state, integer, decimal, time, date, datetime, float and string attributes. For integer, decimal, time, date, datetime and string attributes value(s) can be passed to the scope so the check will be performed against passed values (not against null/non null vakues). (ex.: with_rating(1,2,3), without_rating())

  • is and not options will generate scopes such as published, not_published (“is” is the one option that is not reflected in the name of the generated scope) that look for true and and false or null values for boolean attributes and for the specified state and for state that is not the specifieed one no null for state attributes.

  • eq (stands for equal), ne (not equal), gt (greater than), gte (greater than or equal), lt (lesser than), lte (lesser than or equal) options generate scopes with corresponding suffixes and accept list of values or array as parameteters. Options names are self explanatory. These scopes can be used with integer, decimal, time, date and datetime attributes. lt and gt options can be used with float attributes.

  • for string attributes like and ilike options can be specified which generate scopes like title_like, title_ilike which accept list or array of arguments and look for values like the specified ones, case sensitive and insensitive, respectively.

  • by and by_desc options can be used with integer, decimal, time, date, datetime, float and string attributes and generate scopes like by_created_at and by_created_at_desc, which sort by created at asc and created at desc, respectively.

  • for and not_for scopes can be used with belongs_to associations (including polymorphic ones) and generate scopes like for_user, not_for_commentable. They can accept list or array of associations. Also, hash(es) with id and type keys can be specified for polymorphic associations.

Usage examples

  • Call to magic_scopes without parameters will generate all possible scopes for all attributes, belongs_to associations and states. By specifying parameters you tell magic_scopes to generate only the scopes you need.

  • With specified attributes it will generate all possible scopes for title and bogus attributes.

    magic_scopes :title, :bogus
  • You can specify in (stands for include) and ex (for exclude) options, so:

    • it will generate with and by scopes for all suitable attributes when in option is specified.

      magic_scopes in: %w(with by)
    • It will generate generate all possible scopes except with and by ones when ex option is specified.

      magic_scopes ex: %w(with by)
    • It will generate with and by scopes for all suitable attributes in specified list when both attributes list and in options are cpecified:

      magic_scopes :title, :bogus, in: %w(with by)
    • You can also override scopes that should be generated per attribute:

      magic_scopes :title, :rating, bogus: :by_desc, in: %w(with by)

      It will generate with and by scopes for title and rating attributes and by_desc scope for bogus attribute.

    • All options accept strings, symbols and arrays as arguments.

Standard scopes

In addition, some standard scopes can be specified using :std option, they are: asc and sorted sort by id asc, desc and recent sort by id desc and random sorts in random order. ex.: magic_scopes :title, :bogus, in: %w(with without), std: %w(recent rendom) magic_scopes generate all possible standard scopes unless std option is specified.

MagicScopes is thoroughly tested and ready for production. It works with ActiveRecord >= 3.0 and ruby 1.9. (1.8 is not supported).

This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.