

A Rails engine for HIS-EMR-API compatible applications that provides an API for managing various lab activities.


The engine provides an API that provides the following functionalities:

  • Search/Retrieve test types
  • Search/Retrieve sample types for a given test
  • Order lab tests
  • Attach a result to a test

For details on how to perform these operations please see the API docs.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'lab', git: '', branch: 'development'

And then execute:

$ bundle install lab

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install lab

Finally run:

$ bundle exec rails lab:install


This module in most cases should work without any configuration, however to enable certain features some configuration may be required. Visit the configuration page to learn how to configure the application.


Fork this application create a branch for the contribution you want to make, push your changes to the branch and then issue a pull request. You may want to create a new first on our repository, so that your pull request references this issue.

If you are fixing a bug, it will be nice to add a unit test that exposes the bug. Although this is not a requirement in most cases.

Be sure to follow this Ruby style guide. We don't necessarily look for strict adherence to the guidelines but too much a departure from it is frowned upon. For example, you will be forgiven for writing a method with 15 to 20 lines if you clearly justify why you couldn't break that method into multiple smaller methods.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.