A wrapper for the maildir library with a queue-like interface (push and shift).
Also, a simple HTTP/JSON interface.
gem install maildir-queue
Create a queue in /home/aaron/queue
require 'maildir/queue'
queue ="/home/aaron/queue")
Push a new message onto the queue.
= queue.push("Hello World!")
List new messages
queue.list(:new) # => [message]
List messages that are being processed
queue.list(:cur) # => []
Move the first new message to ‘cur’ for processing
= queue.shift # Returns nil if no new messages
.data # => 'Hello World!'
queue.list(:new) # => []
queue.list(:cur) # => [message]
Delete a message after it’s processed
queue.list(:cur) # => []
Dealing with stalled messages
An exepected (but rare) behavior is for a client to fail while processing a message. Such messages will stay in ‘cur’ until retried.
Get a list of messages in cur that have not been modified in 5 minutes
= queue.( - 300)
Requeue them
count = queue.( - 300)
Clients can update a message’s timestamps to indicate it’s still being processed. Then the retry interval can be shorter than the time it takes to process a message.
Maildir::WebQueue, the HTTP/JSON interface
maildir-queue includes a simple Sinatra app providing an HTTP/JSON interface to a queue.
Configure it like so:
require 'maildir/web_queue'
app = Maildir::WebQueue
app.path = '/home/aaron/queue'
Push a message
POST /message?data=Hello World!
Shift a message
GET /message
{"key": "cur/message_id", "data": "Hello world!"}
Or 404 Not Found if no new messages
Delete a message
DELETE /message/key
Update a message’s timestamps
POST /touch/key
Show count of messages in new and cur
GET /status
{"new": 2, "cur": 10}
Note on Patches/Pull Requests
Fork the project.
Make your feature addition or bug fix.
Add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.
Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
Copyright © 2010 Aaron Suggs. See LICENSE for details.