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Makeleaps Ruby

A simple ruby client for Makeleaps API.

  • Note: this is NOT an official library, but an OSS maintained by third party developers. Please use it as your own risk.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'makeleaps-ruby'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install makeleaps-ruby


require 'makeleaps'

# establish connection using access token
client ='your client-id','your client-secret')

# specify your parter_mid (you need to set one to access various resouces)
client.set_partner!(name: 'your_company_name')

# to disconnect (revokes access token)


Refer to the official API document for detailed API reference.

GET (a single instance)

client.get '/api/partner/xxxxxxx/document/yyyyyy/'

# below are actually the same request
client.get '/api/partner/xxxxxxx/document/yyyyyy/'                          # direct access (path)
client.get '' # direct access (full url)
client.get :document, yyyyy                                                 # endpoints can also be referred as symbols
  • in the last example, ( is automatically supplied after #set_partner! is invoked

GET (a collection)

client.get :document # fetching a list of documents
client.get :contact  # fetching a list of contacts

# adding a query
documents = client.get :document { |req| req.params['document_number'] = "1000" }
documents = client.get :document { |req| req.params['date__lt'] = "2020-01-30" }

Traversal access

When you want to retrieve a collection of resources (e.g. invoices, cliet contacts..) which size is larger than that a single response can contain, you need to make a consecutive chain of calls, following the next link provided by the prior response.

To traverse multiple pages following next links, below methods such as #each_page, #each_resource, #find_resource are available for convenience.

WARNING: this could potentially invoke an unexpected number of API calls. Consider limiting your possibile accesses, otherwise you might exceed the maximum allowed number of requests (see throttling in the API document)

Current default limit is set as 100 pages / each method, and the rate limit is set as 0.1sec / request so that it won't cause accidental traffic to the API.

# visiting all pages (following `next` links provided by API)
# (requests are limited at maximum rate of 0.1sec per each)
total_count = 0
client.each_page :document do |documents|
  total_count += documents.count

# query strings can be added with `params` option
# this will invoke
# GET '<partner_id>/document/?document_type=invoice&&date__gte=2019-01-01&&date__lt=2019-04-01'
# and follows `next` url until it reaches to the last page OR the maximum limit page (default 100)
total_count = 0
client.each_page :document, params: {document_type: :invoice, date__gte: '2019-01-01', date__lt: '2019-04-01'} do |documents|
  total_count += documents.count

# each resources (that each page contains) can also be accessed via #each_resource
# (interface are consistent with #each_page)
client.each_resouce :document, params: {document_type: :invoice, date__gte: '2019-01-01', date__lt: '2019-04-01'} do |invoice|
  puts invoice['display_name']

# find a resource (out of all the pages)
# visits next_urls one after another. terminates when it find the first resource (with whivh the given block evaluates as true), or when it reaches to one of either the last page OR the max page (default 100)
# returns the detected resource or nil (when not found)
client.find_resource(:document), params: {document_type: :invoice} do |document|
  document['title'].match? /URGENT/

# find a resource (within a response)
documents = client.get :document
document.find_resource do |document|
  document['document_number'].to_i >= 123 && document['note'].match? /IMPORTANT/


Read the manual carefully before sending a request- it seems API is still beta version, so it might give an unexpected effect on your data when misused. The wrapper gem does not check the validity of the request parameters/payloads. :item, <mid> { |req| req.body = new_item.to_json }

client.patch(:document, <mid>) { |req| req.body = {autocalculate: true, lineitems: updated_items}.to_json }

client.delete :contact, <mid>


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/makeleaps-ruby.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.