
Manic is a static site generator, with configuration in ruby. bin/manic looks for config.manic in the current working directory.. parsing site into output


Manic.config do 
  # set global variables
  site_title  "Manic static site example
  author  "Justin Baker"

  # extend with helper method
  plugin TagHelper
  plugin "filename"

  # add helper method for use in templates
  img_tag lambda{|src| "<img src=\"#{src}\" />"}


Plugins are as basic as they can be. The API consists of just a module with helper methods. By default, all files in plugins will be autoloaded and available. This doesn't mean you can't load plugins other ways. Calling plugin ModuleName or plugin "filename" in the Manic config file will load a plugin.

Helper methods can also be defined inside the Manic config by passing a lambda.

Manic.config do
  img_tag lambda{|src| "<img src=\"#{src}\" />"}

Now you have an img_tag helper method available to you.