
This gem is for DNS masquerading for rubists. Everyone knows Pow, but what I really don't like that it uses node.js to run ruby applications. Sometimes we have to run our apps on the certain domain. Masquito allows you to do it, you can create dns records in the similar Pow's way by creating symbolic links to your apps or just files in .masquito directory.


Masquito doesn't run rack applications. It just masquerads dns records to your local IP. Check our another gem out for full replacement of Pow.


First of all, uninstall Pow if you have it installed. I suppose you're on rbenv(we will add rvm support as soon as we can).

Install gem:

$ gem install masquito

Run these commands:

$ masquito daemon install
$ sudo masquito resolver install

The first one installs masquito dns server as a daemon in your system which will be started at each boot. This daemon will respond on dns queries from your system. The second one registers dns resolver (man 5 resolver for more info) for .dev domain. You have to run it with sudo because we must write config to /etc/resolver path.


Once you have installed masquito you can add domains to ~/.masquito

$ cd ~/.masquito
$ touch example

It will create for you domain and you can already ping and use it.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request