
Maths is a command line calculator. I do a lot of number crunching, and always get frustrated with other solutions, like my phone calculator, a physical calculator, or Alfred because they don't keep a good record of what I've done with them when I'm using them for more than one calculation at a time.


Just install the gem:

$ gem install maths


To start maths, just run it in your terminal:


Then do some math:

Welcome to maths (version 0.0.1)!
Type "exit" to quit.

maths> 5 + 5
= 10
maths> 5 / 5
= 1
maths> 20 * 3
= 60
maths> 8 - 4
= 4
maths> 4.4 + 3.2
= 7.6

Maths also supports assigning variables:

maths> x = 10
= 10
maths> x
= 10
maths> x + 4
= 14

You can even assign multiple variables at once:

maths> x = y = z = 25
= 25

There's even a special variable, $, that is always set to the result of the last calculation:

maths> 5 + 5
= 10
maths> $
= 10

And of course, sometimes you'll want to close the app:

maths> exit

Variables persist in maths between runs of the command, so feel free to exit and reopen maths all you want - those variables will stick around between executions.

If you'd like to list all defined variables, use the vars command:

maths> vars

Defined Variables:
s: 10
$: 12345
z: 25
y: 25
x: 0.4

You can also copy your last result to your system clipboard with the copy command:

maths> 5 + 5 
= 10
maths> copy
Copied 10 to your system clipboard.

Tell Us More, Bob

Maths can do all sorts of great math!

Absolute Values!

maths> |-5|
= 5

Square Roots!

maths> sqrt 25
= 5

Cubed Roots!

maths> cbrt 27
= 3

More Trig than you can shake a stick at!

maths> sin 30
= -0.9880316240928618
maths> asin 30
= -0.9880316240928618
maths> sinh 30
= 5343237290762.231
maths> asinh 30
= 4.09462222433053
maths> cos 30
= 0.15425144988758405
maths> acos 1
= 0
maths> cosh 30
= 5343237290762.231
maths> acosh 30
= 4.0940666686320855
maths> tan 25
= -0.13352640702153587
maths> atan 25
= 1.5308176396716067


maths> ln 25
= 3.2188758248682006
maths> log 25
= 1.3979400086720377
maths> log2 32
= 5


maths> floor 5.5
= 5
maths> ceiling 5.5
= 6
maths> round 5.5
= 6


maths> 2 ^ 4
= 16


maths> 2 as a % of 4
= 50%
maths> 5 as a % change from 10
= -50%

Maths also includes some constants:


maths> pi
= 3.14159265358979323846264338327

Maths is still pretty new - I hacked the original version together on a flight, and it's still maturing. If you'd like to see something added, let me know in the issue tracker.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request