



  • Kaiichi Matsunaga <ma2 at lifemedia dot co dot jp> - proxy code suggestion

  • Sergio Santos <> - message paging code suggestion

  • Adam Stiles <adam at stilesoft dot com> - URI.encode => CGI.escape fix

  • Carl Crawley <cwcrawley at gmail dot com> - Friendship get => post fix

  • Christian Johansen <christian at cjohansen dot no> - in_reply_to attributes in Twitter::Status

Design Suggestions:

  • Bosco So <rubymeetup at boscoso dot com> - making Twitter::Error a RuntimeError instead of an Exception to prevent irb from crashing out.


Twitter4R provides an object based API to query or update your Twitter account via pure Ruby. It hides the ugly HTTP/REST code from your code.

External Dependencies

  • Ruby 1.8 (tested with 1.8.6)

  • RSpec gem 1.0.0+ (tested with 1.1.3)

  • JSON gem 0.4.3+ (tested with versions: 1.1.1 and 1.1.2)

  • jcode (for unicode support)

Usage Examples

Twitter4R starting with version 0.1.1 and above is organized into seven parts: